Using PPC marketing as part of your online marketing plan is one of the best ways to generate good quality, even competent traffic to your website. However, there are specific tactics and methods you should be mindful of before you begin. Below are some of the most successful pay-per-click techniques to use regularly:
One of the most essential pay per click tactics would be to try out your ad copy with A/B testing, but not that much that you spend your time monitoring such insignificant differences. You have to focus on modifying significant phrases and sentences in the ads and seeing whether it makes a difference in user behavior. In most cases, you'll be able to identify the best performing keywords and phrases in just a couple of weeks of testing.
When creating PPC advertising strategies, you also have to try out your lead capture pages. It's commonly a great idea to set up a number of different lead capture pages and make identical postings that go to several destinations. That way, you will be able to monitor which landing pages are genuinely converting and which ones are setting visitors astray. Use a reliable analytics application to help you retrieve quality data and examine this regularly to look for behaviours and styles.
You also have to learn how much to spend for your clicks. According to Perry Marshall and Bryan Todd, authors of the "Ultimate Guide to Google Adwords", finding out how much you must invest in your clicks is more of a judgment call than theory. You need to base your reasoning on the market, the budget you're working with as well as your capability to convert site visitors into consumers of your product or service. Ultimately, you need to compute for the average length of time that a visitor will spend with you on your site. Will the visitors simply browse around your site or will they directly buy something from your purchase page? You may want to pay more for those visitors who are ready to purchase than those who are searching for basic information.
It is generally recommended that you look for negative key phrases as much as possible. The Google Adwords tool can instantly help you determine which ads may be showing up for irrelevant searches, so that all you need to do at this point is to remove these keywords from your bid list so that you're not losing your resources and money producing click-throughs that lead nowhere.
Last but not least, make sure you're not competing with your organic search listings for certain keywords and keyphrases. If you've attained the first few positions for a particular keyword on the major search engines, refrain from buying that keyword for your ads. Your objective is to 'own' as much of the first page of search results as you can, and you can do this by targeting keywords instead of those that you have actually 'won' when setting up the sponsored listing ads.
Pay per click advertising with Google Adwords and other sponsored search listing providers is a tested method for producing quality traffic, but that doesn't mean you can simply set it on autopilot. You have to study some basic methods and tips to attract the kind of traffic that converts.